
Showing posts from August, 2009

What is with this morning?

So Paul has gone off to the basement with his grumpy little self, Caitlin is watching Mickey Mouse and I am blogging which seemed to irritate him. I think the real irritation was that I had a Starbuck's and he didn't. Well, I had the two dollars saved, and I went to the gym today so I treated myself. Na, na, na, na, naaaa.... as my daughter would say. Yesterday Caitibug continued with her hide and go seek of items, this time it was the glasses. We tore the house apart to find them. I even took her to the car and told her that I was going to take her to the hospital and have her glasses surgically attached to her head if she didn't show me where they were... not the best parenting I've done but I was getting crazy at this point. Finally she took me into her play room and said they were in there, but since daddy cleaned it up she didn't know where they were. I finally found them hidden in the bumper pad. And then of course I found my missing keys as well. They had b

Surround yourself with love

  How I want my daughter to remember me. Happy and enjoying the saying, "Surround yourself by the things you love." And I do surround myself with these things. I even, in fact, sometimes would like to wrap them up and take them far away to just concentrate on them. Just them... no distractions. I love my family!


Today was our first day of preschool, the playdate. Caitlin had so much fun with her friends. It was a great day. Then we went to singing class, our last day. She refused to use the "props" because she was a horse and of course horses don't have hands. (ROFLMAO) What an imagination. We are now home, and of course per usual she is immediately naked. Nudist on the horizon.

The new Webby

Caitibug thinks that the webcam is really funny. What a cute little bug she is.

Caitibug at the gym

So this morning after my great workout I left my expensive stainless nonBPA water bottle at the gym. So I sprint through the shower, dress myself and Caitibug and run back to the gym. My daughter proceeds to have a great conversation with one of my favorite guys, Aaron, about Jesse the fly. For those of you who do not know, two years ago Caitibug started talking to the fly on our wall. I came to find out that his name was Jesse. Now it is amazing that Jesse goes everywhere with us. Just about anywhere we go, we end up seeing Jesse there. So Jesse followed us to the gym, and Caitibug had to show him how to exercise. What a great trainer she may be one day.

Huggies Sponsors Circle of Moms Facebook App - ClickZ

Huggies maker Kimberly-Clark is sponsoring the Circle of Moms Facebook app, which claims to reach more than 2 million women with information, advice, and interactive tools. The campaign was brought together by direct sales company Appssavvy and Kimberly-Clark agency Mindshare. Circle of Moms users who enter the site's new Huggies-sponsored "Baby Zone" will find an advice column, a mother-to-mother forum, age-specific information about diapers, and interactive tools such as a baby photo uploader. It also includes Huggies' "Enjoy the Ride Rewards" program, which offers the chance to win a year's worth of Huggies along with other prizes. To boost engagement, the site is issuing codes that can be used with the rewards program. A small startup with less than a dozen staff, Circle of Moms lacks the sales clout to reach out directly to Kimberly-Clark, according to an Appssavvy spokesperson. He added Appssavvy's team worked with its contacts at Mindshare to

Fun, fun and more fun

It is 8:35 pm and Caitlibug is still going strong. After an active afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa (who may be in bed after their playdate with Caitibug), a play at the beach where she soaked her dress, and then of course took off in her underwear... I guess we are just lucky she left them on - my little tiny nudest... we had a nice drive through Daybreak and home for dinner. She tells me on the way home, "We don't usually drive without shirts on mom." So - if you saw us be assured that this was a random act. I think it's funny how those in this family that have been really desiring life changes, are so getting them. Some good, and some bad. I think it's the leasons learned and the ability to take those lessons and move them into a great place. So... I think I will post a fun picture tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun.

Who is this??

So this is the way I guess you are supposed to look while blogging, right?

Caitibug and Mom

This is Caitibugs and Mom's Blog - we have ducky, and dinosaur, and bunny sitting with us while we are blogging on our first blog. So excited!!!